The Hemperor
Behold The Dankness
We helped launch the world’s first HPA – A pale ale that brings together hops and hemp to create a truly new, great, and dank experience. When New Belgium was brewing this up, they asked us to come up with not just a campaign but a name, character and visuals to help introduce it to the world. We named the beer–and him–The Hemperor.

The Hemperor Reigns Supreme
With an awesome name in The Hemperor it naturally led us to a new persona–a strong, playful and benevolent ruler of all things hemp. From his hemp leaf-adorned outfit to his crown of hops, we created him in the image of all things dank.

Hemperor Packaging
The Hemperor’s unique, illustrated style helped stand out on shelf. The design also helped highlight him on packaging, bottles, stickers and beyond.